Beyond Tradition: The Modern Father of the Bride/Groom

Welcome to the Pure Invitation blog, where we love helping you navigate the wonderful journey of planning your dream wedding! Today, we’re celebrating the love and support of the unsung heroes of every wedding – the fathers of the happy couple.

Traditionally, the father of the bride (or groom) had a set of duties that were passed down from generation to generation. But in recent years, these roles have evolved, creating an opportunity for fathers to play a more active and personalised role in the special day. So, let’s explore what was the traditional duties and how the role of the father has beautifully modernised itself.

The Traditional Duties

Historically, and still today for many couples, fathers were responsible for taking care of certain wedding aspects. From financial contributions and walking their children down the aisle to making heartfelt speeches and hosting the reception, fathers were key figures in upholding tradition and symbolising their support and love. These duties highlighted the often unsaid bond between father and child, and was (and is) a way for the more we-don’t-express-our-feelings traditional dads to show their love and pride.

A Welcome Change

In recent years, as weddings have become more personalised and reflective of the couple’s individuality, the role of the father of the bride or groom has expanded beyond traditional boundaries. Today, fathers have the freedom to express their love and support in ways that feel right to them and their child. Some fathers have taken on planning and organising roles, while others have chosen to share the spotlight in a joint father-child walk down the aisle.

Modern Fatherly Love

The modern father of the bride or groom is all about embracing change, supporting their child’s choices, and being involved in the wedding planning process. Fathers now assist with anything from selecting wedding venues and vendors to helping their children craft memorable vows. They take pride in being more than just a spectator by actively participating in rehearsals and bridal showers, creating lasting memories along the way.


In a time when traditions are constantly adapting and evolving, the role of the father of the bride or groom has transformed into something truly beautiful. From upholding traditions to embracing change and personalisation, fathers are now creating unforgettable memories with their children on their special day.

So, let’s honor the fathers who have stood beside their children, supporting and loving them unconditionally. Cheers to the modern father, here’s to embracing change and creating unforgettable moments! 🥂✨